jeudi 3 janvier 2013

James Allen - The Way of Peace.pdf

The Way of Peace by James Allen The Way of Peace is your guide to the power of meditation; self and truth; the acquirement of spiritual power; the realization of selfless love; entering into the infinite; saints, sages, and saviors; the law of service; and the realization of perfect peace. (Summary by Andrea Fiore).

A beautiful meditation about truth vs. the self. Allen discusses 5 things to consider during meditation as follows:
1. Love – even your enemies
2. Pity – compassion for all human beings in suffering
3. Joy – rejoice and share in the joy of those in the world experiencing it
4. Impurity – how those little things about the “self” and the need to immediate pleasure stop us from the truth
5. Serenity – bring yourself above love & hate, tyranny and oppression, above everything toward truth
Click Download to get the ebook.


Joe Viteale - thinkandgrowrich workbook.pdf

Basically, what you need to understand is that if a work is in the public domain you can use it in any way you wish, without asking for permission.
For example, you can publish a work “as is” without changing or adding to it. Or you can publish a take-off of the work by adding value to it (this is called a derivative work). Or you take the work which is in one format and publish it in a completely different format e.g., take a book and record it as an audio CD or mp3. The possibilities are endless.
Let us show you some real-life examples of public domain works that are currently selling and making money for their publishers.
The original 1937 edition of Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is in the public domain. So what some smart info product creators did is create derivative works like The Think and Grow Rich Workbook.


Kahlil Gibran - The prophet.pdf

Kahlil Gibran’s masterpiece, The Prophet, is one of the most beloved classics of our time. Published in 1923, it has been translated into more than twenty languages, and the American editions alone have sold more than nine million copies.

The Prophet
is a collection of poetic essays that are philosophical, spiritual, and, above all, inspirational. Gibran’s musings are divided into twenty-eight chapters covering such sprawling topics as love, marriage, children, giving, eating and drinking, work, joy and sorrow, housing, clothes, buying and selling, crime and punishment, laws, freedom, reason and passion, pain, self-knowledge, teaching, friendship, talking, time, good and evil, prayer, pleasure, beauty, religion, and death.

Each essay reveals deep insights into the impulses of the human heart and mind. The Chicago Post said of The Prophet: “Cadenced and vibrant with feeling, the words of Kahlil Gibran bring to one’s ears the majestic rhythm of Ecclesiastes . . . If there is a man or woman who can read this book without a quiet acceptance of a great man’s philosophy and a singing in the heart as of music born within, that man or woman is indeed dead to life and truth.”

With twelve full-page drawings by Gibran, this beautiful work makes an incredible gift for anyone seeking enlightenment and inspiration.



Thousands of years ago, the Greek philosopher Socrates argued that "The unexamined life is not worth living." In Self-Development and the Way to Power, author L.W. Rogers expounds on that contention, arguing that individuals must work constantly to grow, to develop, and to achieve our full potential. This self-help classic is a must-read for every reader who is bound and determined to make the most out of life.


Magick and Hypnosis.pdf

Magick And Hypnosis by Carroll Runyon

In this article the author takes the position that hypnosis is the operative technique of Ceremonial Magick. Visions of Spirits appearing in the Triangle of Art are actually archetypes evoked from the deep-mind via hypnotic induction. As a practicing magician specializing in these methods, he gives an insider’s perspective on how Magick really works.

Meditation Self-Practice.pdf

Energy therapist Jaime Izquierdo presents a new concept of meditation that allows us to become enlightened individuals. Jaime defines Enlightenment as the mind-guided Integration of our energetic senses associated with consciousness and our physical senses. His meditation practice is solely based on our organic relationship to the earth and the universe, and the theory of energy communication among all elements in the universe. In this exiting book on meditation and enlightenment he presents his energetic self-healing meditation technique.


Mildred Mann - How to find your Real Self.pdf

There is certainly nothing more necessary in the world today than a practical philosophy of life. By a practical philosophy, I do not mean beautiful ideals and wonderful dreams in which we seek refuge from a terrifying world. I mean the kind of philosophy which is liveable, useable, expendable. I mean the kind of philosophy that far outdistances the abstract ideas of the world's great thinkers. I mean the kind of philosophy that Jesus demonstrated and taught- a Pragmatic Mysticism. Many people have asked, "Just what is that?" Pragmatism is a term that came into favor about the turn of the century from William James. In other words, it is what we call the metaphysical concept, or what I personally prefer to call Pragmatic Mysticism. It is not the kind of belief that makes you withdraw from the world, or live in a cave, or mortify the flesh, or deny yourself anything that makes for gracious living. It is a pragmatic, every-day, usable UNION WITH GOD.
